Help a girl out and read books for free

Love free books? Especially from authors in your favorite genre? There are several ways to read free books and support your favorite authors.

Advance Review Copy Readers

Every author needs reviewers; it’s all part of the marketing plan, but not every author, especially those just starting out, can get their book reviewed by a famous book critic at a major newspaper.

And that’s not what gets you noticed on Amazon. Readers want to know that if they’re spending their money on a book, other readers think it’s worth the time and expense.

Getting Reviews

In exchange for a free copy of a book, an ARC reader agrees to post a review—an honest review.

Usually, the ARC is just about ready to be published. The editing is complete and will launch soon.

Many of the authors I’ve reviewed use Book Funnel. Creating a sign-up form to get an advance copy out to readers is easy. And the book can be delivered via the Book Funnel app, which is similar in layout to the Kindle app.

While authors can charge for books in Book Funnel, it’s also easy to deliver a book free without making it available on Amazon, Apple Books, or Google Play.

Most authors send out ARC requests just before their book is ready to launch. That way, the reviews are ready as the book is released.

Reviewers can leave their candid reviews on any of the platforms they might be partial to—Goodreads, Amazon, etc.

Beta Readers

Another way to assist an author is to be a beta reader. These readers get a better than first draft but not quite ready for prime-time copy of the book.

Here an author is looking for direct feedback on a book, such as plot, characters, and setting. Authors are looking for suggestions on loose ends, characters you love, characters you hate (especially if that’s not what the author intended), or other discrepancies that can happen in the writing process.

This is more than just “Yay, good job! I loved the book. Five Stars!” Authors really want and need your feedback. So be prepared to give a thorough critique of the book.

Look for an upcoming post on critiquing as a beta reader.

Sign up as an ARC reader.

My book, Became Blue, is launching soon. If you’d like to receive an advance review copy for free, please sign up using the form below.

Help a girl out and score yourself a free book.

I’ll be in touch as soon as it’s ready.

Sign up for Advance Review Copies!